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The Internet of things allows the development of solutions that merge physical products with digital services. After the widespread adoption of the Internet of things in supply chains, we are now witnessing an increase in Internet applications of things for consumers. Due to the proliferation of smartphones, Internet applications of things acquire a personal, interactive and behavioral context. Therefore, smartphones assume a gateway role and mediate between people, physical and digital things, and/or the environment.

In this article, we discuss why IoT technologies are essential for 2020 and how alternative smartphone factors can affect context-conscious service interactions.

IoT Analytics predicts the global market for the Internet of Things is expected to grow to 900 billion, more than 100% rise than 2019  [ Yahoo Finance ]


The Internet of Things (IoT) represents the paradigm that extends the Internet to the physical world. Eventually, each physical object will connect to the Internet and serve as a medium for innovative applications and services.

The combination of IoT and Artificial Intelligence can allow organizations to not only collect data and generate actionable knowledge through a network of sensors but also deliver that knowledge to the right people at the right time to get maximum impact.

We all have heard about Smart Home, Smart Cities, but IoT can be adopted by many industries as well, here are some use cases for some industries:

1) Healthcare industry

IoT is changing the whole healthcare industry to a new level, with the advent of new Internet-based devices, real-time monitoring is possible. Connected devices can easily collect all the required medical data and transfer collected information to a physician for better monitoring with the help of a SmartPhone.

Patients, Hospitals, Physicians, Insurance companies, all can take advantage of IoT Applications. There are many handy wearable devices that can continuously track Blood pressure, Heart rate and alert users in case of any disturbances or changes.

Similarly for Hospitals, they can install IoT devices to track their equipment, medical staff, patients’ diagnosis history or even real-time patient’s health easily and take necessary actions.

2) Logistics industry

In the logistics domain, IoT can create an intelligent location management system that will allow companies to easily track driver activities, vehicle location, and delivery status. Once the products are delivered or arrived at a specific place, the manager is notified by a push message. This is called the location management system.

Inventory management and storage are some of the most important parts of the connected logistics ecosystem. The placement of small, low-cost sensors will allow companies to easily track inventory items, monitor their status and position and create an intelligent warehouse system.

With the help of IoT technology, employees can successfully avoid any loss, ensure the safe storage of goods and efficiently locate a necessary item.

While IoT devices are responsible for collecting large amounts of data, the analysis system makes them intelligent routes and driving directions. In this way, companies can also minimize car accidents, reduce operating costs and optimize road traffic.

3) Retail industry:

How an IoT and Artificial Intelligence can impact a Retail Industry can be measured by the success of Amazon Go. It has the potential to change the complete retail industry.

Retail Industries can leverage IoT by

Combining AI with user interfaces to help customers answer their questions faster and easier, directly proportional to customer satisfaction and more sales.

Learning/analysis of customer purchase, navigation, search and consumption data to predict purchase decisions

Capture/analysis of gait patterns, look direction and gestures, combined with demographic profiles to adjust product marketing actions.

Few Other Use cases:

1. Predictive equipment maintenance is used to manage power, predict equipment failure or detect other problems. For example, each grocery store has a lot of complex equipment. When these units are equipped with sensors, we can predict maintenance problems that could affect energy consumption to save or monitor temperature fluctuations to ensure food safety.

2. We know that many retailers have been using GPS to track and route trucks in recent years. With IoT, we can understand with a much greater degree of precision how close a pallet of goods from a particular store is and retailers can manage inventory accordingly.

4) Tourism industry

By establishing artificial intelligence and hotel chatbots, the hospitality industry can create more meaningful opportunities to offer excellent friendly services for guests ranging from matching guest preferences, suggesting books or music, to the nearby sports club to complement the taste of the clients, until arriving automatically alert the hotel staff about options of personalized meals, special privileges, and complimentary services, etc.

With IoT and sensors with AI technology, the following can happen:

• The hotel’s Wi-Fi network can recognize the smartphone of an arriving guest

• The IoT system can alert administration staff for quick guest registration

• The AI-enabled system can allow automatic door unlocking while guests stand at the door

• Hotel guests can adjust the intensity of the light and the temperature of the room that matches.

their default preferences

5 )Agricultural industry

In the case of droughts, sensors strategically planted in the soil can provide farmers with information on whether the soil has sufficient moisture and, if not; alert the farmer about dry patches. The farmer can also control the soil temperature.

In addition, farmers can synchronize the sensors present in tractors and pumps with their mobile application to receive alerts when they run out of fuel or if the temperature is too high.

• For example, soil sensors can alert farmers to irregular conditions such as high acidity, giving them time to reconcile the problem and produce better crops.

• Autonomous tractors can be controlled remotely, which provides significant savings in labor costs.

Thanks to livestock monitoring, farmers can use wireless IoT applications to collect data on the health, welfare, and location of their livestock. With this information, they can save money in two ways:

• It helps to identify sick animals, so that they can be removed from the herd, preventing the spread of diseases.

• Reduces labor costs because farmers can identify where their livestock are.

IoT is a new future and it has all the reasons behind its popularity. All the big tech giants exist today because of the Internet for humans and the next decade would be for the Internet of Things.


Tim Roy

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